Ann-Marie DeHerrera

Dear Samala,

I cannot thank you enough for my life-changing hypnotherapy session. Having only seen hypnosis as a tool for comedy shows, I was a bit apprehensive. Yet, you were so calming and genuine that I quickly let go and fell into a state of trust.

My journey was so profound. I began to see and feel things that I didn’t even know were an influence to my weight issues. I thought that my inability to lose weight was simply a “self-control” issue. Instead you guided me into parts of my subconscious that I had never accessed before.

I saw experiences from my childhood that all of a sudden “made sense.” You helped me see that my fear, my pain and my insecurity was now nothing more than programming that I could simply release. The only way that I can describe it is that you gave me “permission” to discard the emotions that go with it, which wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t trusted you so much.

You have a gift, my dear friend. A truly profound gift. I was so honoured to spend time with you. You wish to help people heal and you do so in such a loving and caring way. Authenticity like yours is a rarity and I hope that you have many opportunities to change the lives of those who are burdening themselves with unreleased trauma.

It has been 5 months since our session and I still feel light and unencumbered. You have helped me release my emotional attachment to food and I now make food choices that are healthy and nourishing.

The follow up recordings that you made for me are a constant re-affirmation of the work we did and I know that they are keeping my new trajectory going.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for sharing your gift.

Thank you for being safe. Thank you for being such a loving person. May those who cross your path see your light and compassion and allow you to help them be the best versions of themselves.
