
Everything you read about Samala and what her RTT sessions offer is bang on word for word. I was sceptical that I would get all the results on offer BUT I HAD ALL THE RESULTS PLUS MORE THAN I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED out of one session.

The effects are truly miraculous and I am still amazed at how clear and free my path ahead has become with a decluttered reaction from myself as my baggage from trauma is now gone.

So my reactions no longer are made with additional STUFF added from trauma in my hard drive. I can only explain it like your mind is reset to before you had the STUFF and your hard drive giving you answers to your questions is concise and clear.

All guilt is removed and you stand on your 2 feet completely empowered and strong in your thinking and not swayed any longer by others’ opinions.

Your yes should be a yes and your no should be a no – NOW MINE IS !!!! WITH QUIET CONVICTION TO TRUTH FOR MYSELF THAT I FEEL TO MY VERY CORE. RTT therapy is like no other – don’t hesitate for even a second – your losing time on being your true self for possibly the first time in your adult life.

Luv me